Body Treatments

These non-invasive treatments are not like any traditional surgical treatments which require incisions or significant downtime. Instead, it relies on superficial injections for a safe and long lasting filler to define the body region you’d like to enhance.

Brazilian Butt lift From …………………………………£750

Breast Augmentation from …………………….….£600

Celluliite Removal …………………………………………. £200

Body Treatments

Embark on a journey of body transformation with our safe and long-lasting filler treatments. From achieving a fuller and lifted derrière to enhancing your bust and addressing cellulite concerns, discover the top benefits that redefine your body and boost your confidence.

  1. Enhanced Curves and Proportions: Experience a Brazilian Butt Lift using safe fillers to achieve fuller and lifted buttocks, enhancing your natural curves and proportions for a sculpted silhouette.

  2. Augmented Bust with Natural-Looking Results: Breast Augmentation with long-lasting fillers offers a safe and effective way to enhance the size and shape of your breasts, providing natural-looking results that complement your overall figure.

  3. Cellulite Reduction for Smoother Skin: Address cellulite concerns with safe and long-lasting fillers, promoting smoother skin texture and reducing the appearance of dimples for a more refined and youthful look.

  4. Minimally Invasive Body Contouring: Enjoy body contouring without the need for invasive procedures. Our safe and long-lasting filler treatments provide sculpting effects with minimal discomfort and downtime.

  5. Confidence-Boosting and Long-Lasting Results: Unleash newfound confidence with long-lasting results. Our safe fillers ensure enduring enhancements, empowering you to embrace your body and feel confident in your skin.


The best candidates for Botox are generally adults who:

  • Are at least 18 years of age or older (men and women)

  • Are in generally good health

  • Are not allergic to any of the ingredients of Botulinum Toxin type A or it’s excipients

  • Do not have skin infections or inflammation to treatment area

  • Do not have underlying muscular or nerve disorders

  • Not currently pregnant or breast feeding

  • No on medications which interact with Botulinum Toxin type A

Body Treatments

Body Treatments

Body Treatments FAQ

  • A Brazilian Butt Lift using fillers involves injecting safe and long-lasting fillers to enhance the shape and volume of the buttocks, providing a lifted and sculpted appearance without surgery.

  • Results vary, but many individuals enjoy the benefits of a fuller and lifted derrière for several months to over a year, depending on the specific filler used and individual factors.

  • Breast Augmentation with fillers is a non-surgical procedure involving the injection of safe and long-lasting fillers to enhance breast size and shape. When performed by qualified practitioners, it is considered safe.

  • Yes, Breast Augmentation with safe fillers is designed to provide natural-looking results, enhancing the size and shape of the breasts in proportion to the individual's body.

  • Cellulite removal with fillers involves injecting safe and long-lasting fillers to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Common treatment areas include thighs, buttocks, and other areas prone to dimpling.

  • These safe and long-lasting filler body treatments are minimally invasive, typically involving injections without the need for surgery. Downtime is minimal, allowing most individuals to resume regular activities shortly after the procedures.

  • The number of sessions varies based on individual goals and the specific treatment plan. Our practitioners will provide a personalized recommendation during the consultation.

  • Yes, these body treatments can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for comprehensive body contouring. Consult with our practitioners to create a personalized treatment plan.

  • Side effects are generally minimal and may include mild swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection sites. These effects are temporary and typically resolve on their own.

  • Ideal candidates are individuals looking to enhance specific areas of their body, such as buttocks or breasts, or address cellulite concerns without undergoing surgery. Good overall health and a consultation with our practitioners are essential factors.